Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Moose Survey at the Quabbin Hunt

Thanks to Bruce Leduc for sending in these images of Moose taken during the Pelham scouting weekend. There has been a lot of interest in the state about the growing Moose population and Quabbin staff and UMass researchers have been aggressively studying this population. UMass scientists have radio colored dozens of adult Moose (both male and female) in Quabbin and around the state. These collars record the animals location by gps every 1 to 2 hours and run for about 11 months gathering thousands of data points which can be downloaded by researchers. This information tells us how the Moose are spending their time, what forest types they are using, and how many time they cross busy highways.

DCR and UMass staff are very happy with the enthusiastic cooperation in our first day of hunt Moose surveys. Your continued cooperation will provide valuable data that is not found in any other hunted area. We will post results when the hundreds of sightings and descriptions are analyzed... Thanks again for being a part of this survey.

Please send in other Moose, Bear, Bobcat images from the hunt if you have them

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear about the moose and other 'stuff' seen during the hunt.
